Being responsible for your children’s education can feel high pressure - from fostering brain development to choosing schools. Today’s guest will help you zoom out from the details to help you focus on what’s important to you as you incorporate learning in your home. Children’s learning is a whole-self activity, and you might be surprised at the simplicity of the things you can do together that help them grow and develop! This week, episode 41 of Poised & Powerful Podcast reassures you that you have what you need to be your child’s first teacher!
Feeding and caring for young children can do a number on your body - and it can be hard to find that time to take care of yourself. Join me for a restorative practice where we’ll release tension in our necks, back, and shoulders. Clear your mind so you’ll feel reset and re-energized for yourself and your family. Drop into the online Sunday night group: Restore on the Floor for parents and caregivers. Or sign up here to be the first to know about new classes and offers.
Amanda Blair MacDonald (she/her) is an educator, speaker, and consultant based in Chicago, IL. Amanda uses decision-making analysis (MPA), Alexander Technique, and developmental movement to help you gain self-mastery and optimal performance.
In this episode of Poised & Powerful Podcast, Amanda and I discuss the following:
We hope this conversation gives you the valuable perspective of the “big picture” of supporting children’s learning, and has you thinking about what you value in education, and gets you excited about sharing that with your family.
Stress Less in Pregnancy Class Online
Sunday night Zoom: Restore on the Floor
Brain-Compatible Dance Education/ Anne Green Gilbert
Episode Transcript here
Being responsible for your children’s education can feel high pressure - from fostering brain development to choosing schools. Today’s guest will help you zoom out from the details to help you focus on what’s important to you as you incorporate learning in your home. Children’s learning is a whole-self activity, and you might be surprised at the simplicity of the things you can do together that help them grow and develop! This week, episode 41 of Poised & Powerful Podcast reassures you that you have what you need to be your child’s first teacher!
Feeding and caring for young children can do a number on your body - and it can be hard to find that time to take care of yourself. Join me for a restorative practice where we’ll release tension in our necks, back, and shoulders. Clear your mind so you’ll feel reset and re-energized for yourself and your family. Drop into the online Sunday night group: Restore on the Floor for parents and caregivers. Or sign up here to be the first to know about new classes and offers.
Amanda Blair MacDonald (she/her) is an educator, speaker, and consultant based in Chicago, IL. Amanda uses decision-making analysis (MPA), Alexander Technique, and developmental movement to help you gain self-mastery and optimal performance.
In this episode of Poised & Powerful Podcast, Amanda and I discuss the following:
We hope this conversation gives you the valuable perspective of the “big picture” of supporting children’s learning, and has you thinking about what you value in education, and gets you excited about sharing that with your family.
Stress Less in Pregnancy Class Online
Sunday night Zoom: Restore on the Floor
Brain-Compatible Dance Education/ Anne Green Gilbert
Episode Transcript here